March 10, 2025

Make Fun of Business

Aamna Cottrell

Insurance Self Help Motivation – 11 Musts to Upgrading an Insurance Agent’s Career – Guidance

Insurance self help motivation starts the 1st day. Your insurance agents career guidance is not given by the sales manager. Here are 11 incentive ways to ignite your insurance self help motivation skills into a rewarding insurance agents career.

Learning how to apply insurance self help motivation is the major barrier confronting an insurance agents career.. A sales professional will self motivate himself with strong internal direction. This pro already knows without a doubt that his flexible presentation is going to get a sale if the right sales conditions exist. However, when your are starting your insurance agents career the insurance world carries a twilight zone mystique.


Immediately using self help motivation avoids have an insurance sales career doomed to failure by relying on outer direction.

1. The insurance sales professional has confidence to drive himself forward using his gut feelings, and trusting inner instincts, and intuition. It is true that the sales pro controls his future by not letting the future control him.

2. Do not dwell on the past (like a lost sale) as it is too late to change it. Instead open the doors of today and your future as it is you only, and not your company that controls your destiny. Think outside the company box.

3. Use your insurance self help motivation to focus your mind on to committing to the long-term. What you accomplish today builds your future for overcoming tomorrow’s challenges.

4. Expect to stretch your inner self help motivation by starting with small steps leading to the next level. Building an insurance agents career is a step by step process.

5. Get rid of the pat on the backs, they will hold you back. If the company sales manager gives you a pat and says “You are going to be good”, reply with. “I AM good.” In fact, visualize that someday you may end up taking his job away, but only if you want to.

6. You will stay outside the normal company lines. That is the path to enjoying freedom and higher sales success. If you have a company presentation plan, drastically change it to benefit you and not the insurance company. Your company wants you to prospect and prospect and prospect to find leads. Develop your own direct mail sales lead system to avoid all the wasted time trying to find interested people for your product. Insurance self help motivation gives the determine to destroy any roadblocks.

7. Sales Success is a decision over procrastination that can cost your dreams and insurance sales career. If you self help motivate yourself to be a champion, there will be no limits. Never procrastinate thinking you can not do it, or believing you are not yet ready. Move away from negativity, today start deciding you will not be denied.

8. Never quit! There always will be the high notes and low notes .Stay in the process of growing, letting your self help seeds to sprout upward. There is no option to quit as your confidence and motivation create your ultimate destination.

9. Success is hearing the truth and willing to step up the pace. If the figures show you are making 12 sales a month challenge yourself to making 20 sales. Refuse to give up on your ultimate achievement by hourly telling yourself that you will do it and that you are the best. On a presentation, before entering a home, visualize in your mind a sale has already been made so now the presentation is just a formality. “As your mind perceives, your mind believes.”

10. Elevate yourself to leadership. Never directly follow how some other insurance person became somewhat successful. Your insurance self help motivation method must be unique, separating you from the crowd of failing salespeople. This career demands standing up for your beliefs, and not becoming one of the too many sheep. Your words, actions, and attitudes lead you to insurance agents career guidance and success.

11. Less people like you when they observe you are climbing the ladder of success. Every day you must fight adversity of both envious people, and the stupid ideas of others. This only produces losers, and those are the ones likely to be jealous of your rising position and self driving motivation. People that feel successful relate to other people that feel successful.

Compare your situation to that of a car battery. Negative fearful people try to drain your battery down to their level. You have to daily self motivate yourself to be supercharged to make that next sale. Build your insurance agents career determination by reading books or ebooks on motivation, self help, and inspiration. Your confident personality will radiate to prospective clients.